
Definition, Immigration & Emigration, Push & Pull Factors, Urban to Rural, Rural to Urban

Author:Author ImageSyed Ali

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Nov 14, 2023

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Section B > Sustainable Development and Use of Resources


This topic falls under the wider topic of population.

Migration can simply be defined as the movement of people from one geographical location to another based on a series of push and pull factors.

Emigration - This is when someone is leaving an area and is known as an emigrant. (Tip - to remember easily, think "e" for exiting the area)

Immigration - This is when someone is coming into an area and is known as an immigrant. (Tip - to remember easily, think "i" for coming into the area)

Push & Pull Factors (Reasons For Migrations)

Push Factors

The factors below encourage persons to emigrate

  • Few education opportunities
  • Few job opportunities / Lower paid jobs
  • Inadequate healthcare services
  • Poor quality of life
  • Lack of developed infrastructure & utilities

Pull Factors

The factors below encourage persons to immigrate

  • High standard of living
  • More education opportunities
  • More employment opportunities / better paid jobs
  • Advanced healthcare
  • Better infrastructure and services

Rural To Urban Migration

This refers to the movement of persons from rural areas like small villages to developed urban areas like cities and towns.  This often occurs when persons want higher paying jobs as rural areas tend to have smaller lower paying industries like agriculture which is labour intensive.

Urban To Rural Migration

This refers to the movement of persons from urban areas like cities to rural areas like small towns and villages. This can be for many reasons for example less crime, less traffic, less pollution and multiple other factors.

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