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Rock Cycle
Types, Cycle
Edu Level: CSEC
Date: Jul 24, 2024
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Rock Cycle
A rock is a hard, naturally occurring substance made of minerals, formed through geological processes, while a mineral is a normally crystalline substance formed by geological processes. Geological processes are natural processes that modify geological features. Geologists study rocks, which are classified into three major types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
1. Igneous rocks
Formed from cooled magma when it reaches the earth’s surface and onto the crust. There are intrusive igneous rocks, like granite and extrusive igneous rocks, like basalt, cool quickly on the Earth's surface from lava.
2. Sedimentary rocks
Formed from compacted material deposited by agents such as rivers. The material sits in layers deposited on top of each other which can be visibly seen in some rock types like sandstone.
3. Metamorphic rocks
Formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks undergo intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth, changing their structure and mineral composition. Examples include marble and diamonds.
Rock Cycle
The rock cycle describes how rocks undergo changes due to processes like weathering, erosion, and plate tectonics. Sedimentary and igneous rocks can become metamorphic rocks through extreme heat and pressure. Weathering breaks down metamorphic and igneous rocks into small fragments, which can be transported by various agents.