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International Disaster Agencies
Learn about International Disaster Agencies.
Edu Level: NCSE
Date: Aug 9, 2021
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Red Cross International:
Red Cross and Red Crescent teams provide relief and hope to millions affected by disasters and crises globally. Their volunteer network includes community members who play a significant role in creating positive change. They respond to various emergencies like earthquakes, droughts, and health epidemics. Red Cross teams also focus on disaster preparedness in communities and ensure children receive essential vaccinations for their well-being. United Nations Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO):
UNDAC (United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination) is an essential component of the international emergency response system. Established in 1993, UNDAC supports the UN and governments during the initial phase of sudden-onset emergencies. They coordinate international relief efforts, deploying teams promptly upon request from affected countries or UN representatives. UNDAC's primary responsibilities include assessment, coordination, and information management during emergency response missions. In the case of earthquakes, UNDAC sets up and manages on-site operations coordination centers (OSOCC) to facilitate effective coordination of urban search and rescue (USAR) teams. The concept of international urban search and rescue assistance was endorsed by a UN General Assembly resolution. Salvation Army:
The Salvation Army is a prominent global organization dedicated to disaster relief. Their assistance encompasses vital services such as mass and mobile feeding, temporary shelter, counseling, search and rescue operations, medical support, and resource distribution. Caribbean Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA):
CDEMA is a regional intergovernmental agency focused on disaster management within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Originally known as CDERA (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency), it was established in 1991 to coordinate emergency response and relief efforts for participating states. CDEMA transitioned to its current form in 2009 to embrace comprehensive disaster management (CDM) principles. CDM promotes an integrated and proactive approach to reducing risks and losses associated with natural and technological hazards, climate change, and enhancing regional sustainable development. Members of CDEMA:
CDEMA includes 19 participating states, namely:
Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Commonwealth of the Bahamas Barbados Belize Commonwealth of Dominica Grenada Republic of Guyana
Arun Singh(pc)