Past participles

A list of regular and irregular past participles that can be used in any form of writing and even speaking. Examples are also provided together with a key for the pronouns.

Author:Author ImagePriya Ramoutar

Edu Level: Unit1

Date: Aug 20, 2024

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Note: When forming the past participle in Spanish, the infinitive ending is dropped, and ido/ado is added depending on the type of verb. It can be an ‘ar’, ‘er’ or ‘ir’ verb.

For example:

Hablar (to speak) - hablado

Comer (to eat) - comido

Vivir (to see) - vivido

However, this rule does not apply to irregular past participle verbs. Each verb has their own special ending. Here are some examples:

  • Abrir (to open) - abierto
  • Cubrir (to cover) - cubierto
  • Decir (to say/tell) - dicho
  • Disolver(se) (to dissolve) - disuelto
  • Escribir (to write) - escrito
  • Hacer (to do/make) - hecho
  • Imprimir (to print) - impreso
  • Morir (to die) - muerto
  • Poner (to put) - puesto
  • Resolver (to resolve) - resuelto
  • Romper (to break) - roto
  • Ver (to see) - visto
  • Volver (to return) - vuelto
  • Componer (to mend/compose) - compuesto
  • Describir (to describe) - descrito
  • Descubrir (to find/discover) - descubierto
  • Deshacer (to undo) - deshecho
  • Devolver (to return something) - desvuelto
  • Disponer (to dispose) - dispuesto
  • Imponer (to impose) - impuesto
  • Oponer (se) (to oppose) - opuesto
  • Predecir (to predict) - predicho
  • Proponer (to propose) - propuesto
  • Reponer (se) (to recover) - revuelto
  • Suponer (to suppose) - supuesto

Examples using the irregular past participle

  1. Ha escrito muchas canciones en su carrera

He has written many songs in his career

  1. No han descubierto una cura para esta enfermedad

They have not discovered a cure for this disease


He - I

Has - You

Ha - he/she/it

Hemos - we

Han - they

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