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Interrelationship among key Web Technology Concepts
An introductory note into Web Technology terms and their correlations to one another as required by specific objective 2.4 of the CSEC IT Syllabus.
Edu Level: CSEC
Date: Dec 19, 2024
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Terms and Definition of Web Technology Concepts
World Wide Web (WWW): A worldwide system of interlinked web pages that can be accessed through the internet.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): A Language used to create and organise content on web pages. It defines what the page is going to be and looks like, images, text, etc.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): This is a communication protocol for exchanging data across the World Wide Web in the form of Hypertext Documents, or the constituents of such documents (e.g.: ASCII text, images, etc.).
Hyperlinks: Text or images which, when clicked, direct users to other websites or pages.
Web Server: A server is a system that stores web pages and serves it to user browsers when they make a request through the internet.
Web Page: A file written in HTML, and is hosted online, which might contain text, multimedia, links, etc.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): The process of uploading files to and downloading from web servers by using techniques over the internet.
Web Browser: It is a software application to browse and display online content. It includes Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): The application of a page on the web; consisting of a protocol (e.g., HTTP), the domain name (e.g., www.example.com) and a path to the page (e.g., /contact-us).
Upload and Download: The act of transferring data to the web. Moves files up from a local system to a server and downloads files from a server to a local device.
Email: An internet based method of sending and receiving messages and files using email addresses and servers.
The Interrelationship among key Web technology Concepts:
The basic function of the World Wide Web (WWW) is to connect online pages interacting with one another using the internet. HTML is used to build these pages as the basis of a web content structure. Browsers run these 'pages', and while in communication with servers, are bound to the HTTP protocol for the exchange of data between browser and server.
When a user enters a URL or clicks a hyperlink, the browser creates a request to the appropriate web server. On receiving the request, the server sends the right web page, including more hyperlinks to navigate between pages.
These pages are web servers repositories where pages of the different web sites are saved and FTP protocol is used for the file transfer process to accomplish uploading and downloading pages. Users can navigate online and point to particular URL where pages are stored, but hyperlinks are used to allow them to browse online for smooth transition from one page to another. A second web technology is email: it supports the exchange of digital messages and attachments.
Compared with web technology concepts, they are really tightly integrated. This is a fundamental part of the web: HTML is the basis of web pages, URLs and URLs locate these pages, servers on the web host them and browsers display them over HTTP. That's all powered by hyperlinks, FTP and email — nav, share files, communicate — all working together to create the modern web.