Water Pollution

Definition, Pollutants, Causes, Control

Author:Author ImageSyed Ali

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Dec 13, 2024

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Water Pollution


Water pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans and groundwater aquifers.

Major Categories of Water Pollutants

Radioactive Materials - Iodine, Uranium, Radon

Source - Mining, Nuclear Power Plants

Plant Nutrients - Nitrates, Phosphates

Source - Sewage, Agricultural Runoff

Infectious Agents - Bacteria, Viruses, Parasitic Worms

Source - Human & Animal Waste

Oxygen Demanding Waste - Organic Debris, Aerobic Bacteria

Source - Surface Runoff, Industrial Effluent

Organic Chemicals - Oil, Gasoline, Plastic, Pesticides

Source - Industrial Effluent, Runoff

Sources of Water Pollution

1. Households: Wastewater from sinks and washing machines often contains harmful chemicals like phosphates and flows into rivers and seas. Improper disposal of plastics is also common, leading to long-term pollution as plastics are non-biodegradable.

2. Industries: Manufacturing industries produce waste containing harmful chemicals, including heavy metals, which are frequently discharged into nearby water bodies.

3. Sewage: Sewage includes waste like urine, feces, and wastewater. It contains oxygen-demanding substances and bacteria that deplete oxygen levels, harming aquatic life.

4. Agriculture: Farmers use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other substances. These pollutants can be washed into water bodies by heavy rainfall, contributing to water contamination.

Water Pollution Causes

  • Water pollution caused by natural phenomena.
  • Water pollution caused by human behaviour.
  • Sewage
  • Industrial Waste
  • Private Waste
  • Mining
  • Oil Leakages
  • Dumping
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Increasing meat consumption
  • Chemical fertilizers
  • Pesticides
  • Sewer leak
  • Radioactive Garbage

Water Pollution Effects

  • Effects on humans (carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic)
  • Effects on animals
  • Effects on plants
  • Effects on water, animals & plants
  • Disruption of the food chain
  • Diseases
  • Eutrophication
  • Destruction of whole ecosystems

Methods for Controlling Water Pollution:

1. Wastewater Treatment: Establishing proper wastewater treatment plants ensures that household water and sewage are treated, recycled, and made safe for reuse, preventing pollution of waterways.

2. Education and Public Awareness: Governments can educate citizens about the causes and impacts of water pollution through media, school curriculums, and public campaigns, promoting behavioral change.

3. Laws and Legislation: Governments can enforce laws to regulate garbage disposal, industrial waste, and sewage discharge. These laws set permissible pollution levels and outline penalties for violations.

4. Establishment of Environmental Agencies : Create agencies responsible for monitoring and implementing the laws and policies established by the government for example, the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) in Trinidad & Tobago.

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