La Voix Active el La Voix Passive

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Author:Author ImageRaed Mohammed

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Aug 13, 2022

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-To relate ideas, you can say either two things. Take for example:

Il écrit un livre. He is writing a book Un livre est écrit par lui. A book is being written by him.

-They mean the same thing, but the subject and object switch positions.

-Par and de are almost always used in the passive voice.

-De is commonly used after verbs expressing states or feelings.

Le chef est apprecié de ses travailleurs. The leader is appreciated by his workers.

-De and par can also be used to show the differences of a situation

La maison est couverte d’or. The house is covered in gold.

La maison est couverte par les policiers. The house is covered by the police officers.

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