ER Verbs


Author:Author ImageRaed Mohammed

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Aug 8, 2022

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(NOTE: There are irregulars, but most of the time it follows it)

Subject Pronouns

Je – I (1st person singular) Tu – You (2nd person singular) Il/Elle – He/She (3rd person singular) Nous – We (1st person plural) Vous – You (2nd person plural) Ils/Elles – They (3rd person plural)

The endings differ depending on the subject*

Parler – to speak

Je parle – I speak Tu parles – You speak Il/Elle parle – He/She speaks Nous parlons – We speak Vous parlez – You speak Ils/Elles parlent – They speak

The endings highlighted in red, are the endings for most er verbs

GER verbs

-GER verbs are conjugated in the same way, but with a slight twist:

Manger – to eat

Je mange – I eat Tu manges – You eat Il/Elle mange – He/She eats Nous mangeons – We eat Vous mangez – You eat Ils/Elles mangent – They eat

As you can see, the ‘nous’ form has an ‘e’ right after the ‘g’

Nous bougeons – we move (bouger) Nous mélangeons - we mix (mélanger)

CER verbs

-CER verbs are conjugated but also with a twist,

Commencer – to start (commence)

Je commence - I start Tu commences – You start Il/Elle commence – He/She starts Nous commençons – We start Vous commencez – You start Ils/Elles commencent – They start

The ‘nous’ form has a “ç”.

Nous prononçons – We pronounce Nous annonçons – We announce


-These verbs have a “grave” accent on the “-e”

Acheter – to buy

J’achète (It becomes J’ when the verb begins with a vowel) Tu achètes Il/Elle achète Nous achetons Vous achetez Ils/Elles achètent

-All singular person forms, as well as the plural third person, have a “è”.

-E + L + ER

-These verbs double the ‘l’ on all singular person forms, and the third person plural.

Appeler – To call

J’appelle Tu appelles Il/Elle appelle Nous appelons Vous appelez Ils/Elles appellent

-E + T + ER

These follow the rules as the previous ones but be careful, sometimes it might not appear to be like it as with “acheter”

Jeter – To throw

Je jette Tu jettes Il/Elle jette Nous jetons Vous jetez Ils/Elles jettent


-YER verbs are special because both versions of a verb are considered correct.

Essayer – to try

J’essaye/ J’essaie – I try Tu essayes/ Tu essaies – You try Il/Elle essaye/ Il/Elle essaie – He/She tries Nous essayons – We try Vous essayez – You try Ils/Elles essayent/ Ils/Elles essaient – They try

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