Evolution of OS

This topic speaks about the Evolution of the os

Author:Author ImageZachary Kublalsingh

Edu Level: Unit2

Date: Aug 10, 2024

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Evolution From Batch Processing to Multi-User Marvels

Batch processing Real-time Processing
Jobs submitted on punched cards. Prioritise task deadlines and ensure predictable response times.
Processed sequentially. Crucial for embedded systems and critical applications.
Gather info over a specific period of time then processed. Processing and updating done immediately.
Powered scientific and military applications. Online shopping.


• Juggles multiple programs on a single CPU, keeping it busy and responsive.

• Includes interactive multiprogramming, where users directly interact with programs, forming the basis of modern personal computing.


Harnesses multiple CPUs for true simultaneous execution, significantly boosting overall performance and handling demanding tasks.

Multiprogramming Multiprocessing
Juggles multiple programs on a single CPU, keeping it busy and responsive. Harnesses multiple CPUs for true simultaneous execution, significantly boosting overall performance and handling demanding tasks.

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